write a C program to implement the RR(Round Robin) scheduling algorithm

 write a C program to implement the RR(Round Robin) scheduling algorithm

1. Start
2. Declare the array size
3. Read the number of processes to be inserted
4. Read the burst times of the processes
5. Read the Time Quantum
6. if (BT>TQ)
Assign the burst time to time quantum.
7.calculate the average waiting time and turn arou
nd time of the processes.
8.Display the values
9. Stop

 source code:
 int main()
      int i, n, total = 0, x, counter = 0, qt;
      int wt = 0, tt = 0, at[10], bt[10], temp[10];
      float average_wait_time, average_turnaround_time;
      printf("\nEnter Total Number of Processes : ");
      scanf("%d", &n);
      x = n;
      for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
            printf("\nEnter Details of Process[%d]\n", i + 1);
            printf("Arrival Time:\t");
            scanf("%d", &at[i]);
            printf("Burst Time:\t");
            scanf("%d", &bt[i]);
            temp[i] = bt[i];
      printf("\nEnter Time Quantum:\t");
      scanf("%d", &qt);
      printf("\nProcess ID\t\tBurst Time\tarrival time\t Turnaround Time\t Waiting Time\n");
      for(total = 0, i = 0; x != 0;)
            if(temp[i] <= qt && temp[i] > 0)
                  total = total + temp[i];
                  temp[i] = 0;
                  counter = 1;
            else if(temp[i] > 0)
                  temp[i] = temp[i] - qt;
                  total = total + qt;
            if(temp[i] == 0 && counter == 1)
                  printf("\nProcess%d\t\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t %d\t\t\t %d", i + 1,bt[i],at[i],total - at[i], total - at[i] - bt[i]);
                  wt = wt + total - at[i] - bt[i];
                  tt = tt + total - at[i];
                  counter = 0;
            if(i == n - 1)
                  i = 0;
            else if(at[i + 1] <= total)
                  i = 0;
      average_wait_time = wt * 1.0 / n;
      average_turnaround_time = tt * 1.0 / n;
      printf("\n\nAverage Waiting Time:\t%f", average_wait_time);
      printf("\nAvg Turnaround Time:\t%f\n", average_turnaround_time);
      return 0;

out put:


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